Spring time

Thank God the weather's started to get nice, hopefully it'll be staying like this for a while! I won't be around for the next few weeks, so Andy will be running things at the shop and looking after everyone who comes in. If you have any questions then you can email him Andy@Accomplicetattoo.co.uk, and he'll be able to help you out.
Before I leave, here's a couple of recent pieces I've done.


Got to do a nice big rose on Christina earlier in the week, she sat like a trooper and it looked great in the end

Did a crow on Tom to go on the same arm as his owl that I tattooed before

Friendship Hello Kitty tattoos FTW

Couple of small swallows on Karis

Finished up Shiran's arm, just a detail shot of the angel, a bit different to what I usually do but really enjoyed this one